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to hold the bag

  • 1 hold the bag

    амер.; разг.
    отдуваться за кого-л.; ≈ расхлёбывать кашу

    And in the elections - where was he? In a Pittsburgh hotel, dead drunk. The whole fight lost. And who was holding the bag? I was. I paid the bills. (S. Heym, ‘Goldsborough’, ch. III) — Где был Лонсдейл во время выборов? В питтсбургском отеле, мертвецки пьяный! И мы проиграли. А кто отдувался? Я! Мне пришлось платить по счетам!

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > hold the bag

  • 2 hold the bag

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hold the bag

  • 3 hold the bag


    English-Indonesian dictionary > hold the bag

  • 4 hold\ the\ bag

    vastutama, patuoinaks jääma

    English-Estonian dictionary > hold\ the\ bag

  • 5 leave somebody to hold the bag

    leave somebody holding/to hold the bag/baby бросить на произвол судьбы; заставить расхлебывать кашу; оставить ни с чем/в дураках

    When the ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left George holding the bag.

    In the rush for seats, Joe was kept holding the bag.

    That important job needed three of us on it; when my two colleagues went sick, I was left holding the baby.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > leave somebody to hold the bag

  • 6 keep holding the bag

    leave somebody holding/to hold the bag/baby бросить на произвол судьбы; заставить расхлебывать кашу; оставить ни с чем/в дураках

    When the ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left George holding the bag.

    In the rush for seats, Joe was kept holding the bag.

    That important job needed three of us on it; when my two colleagues went sick, I was left holding the baby.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > keep holding the bag

  • 7 leave somebody to hold the baby

    leave somebody holding/to hold the bag/baby бросить на произвол судьбы; заставить расхлебывать кашу; оставить ни с чем/в дураках

    When the ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left George holding the bag.

    In the rush for seats, Joe was kept holding the bag.

    That important job needed three of us on it; when my two colleagues went sick, I was left holding the baby.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > leave somebody to hold the baby

  • 8 leave somebody holding the bag

    leave somebody holding/to hold the bag/baby бросить на произвол судьбы; заставить расхлебывать кашу; оставить ни с чем/в дураках

    When the ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left George holding the bag.

    In the rush for seats, Joe was kept holding the bag.

    That important job needed three of us on it; when my two colleagues went sick, I was left holding the baby.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > leave somebody holding the bag

  • 9 leave smb. the bag to hold

    (leave smb. the bag to hold (тж. leave smb. holding the bag))
    свалить на кого-л. ответственность; подвести кого-л.; ≈ заставить кого-л. расхлёбывать кашу

    ‘Listen,’ said Mac. ‘The cops'll try to head us off. Couldn't we let the guys kind of sneak through the trees just before daylight, and leave them cops holding the bag here?’ (J. Steinbeck, ‘In Dubious Battle’, ch. VII) — - Послушай, - сказал Мак, - полицейские попытаются преградить нам путь. Не смогли бы мы помочь ребятам удрать до рассвета через эту рощу и одурачить полицейских?

    Amanda: "More and more you remind me of your father! He was out all hours without explanation! - Then left! Goodbye! And me with the bag to hold." (T. Williams, ‘The Glass Menagerie’, IV) — Аманда: "Ты все больше и больше напоминаешь мне твоего отца. Он тоже целыми днями отсутствовал и не затруднял себя объяснениями. А затем сбежал! Тю-тю! А я осталась расхлебывать кашу."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > leave smb. the bag to hold

  • 10 give somebody the bag to hold

     оставить в беде
     They gave me the bag to hold and ran away.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > give somebody the bag to hold

  • 11 leave someone to hold the baby etc

    expr infml

    It only goes to show that there is a subconscious reluctance in us all to be left holding the parcel — Это лишний раз доказывает, что все мы подсознательно не желаем ничем себя обременять

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > leave someone to hold the baby etc

  • 12 give the bag to hold

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give the bag to hold

  • 13 give someone the bag to hold

    покинуть в беде, улизнуть от кого-л.

    Новый англо-русский словарь > give someone the bag to hold

  • 14 bag

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > bag

  • 15 bag

    I. 1. торба, чанта, чантичка, кесия, чувал
    BAG and baggage с целия си багаж, с всичките си партакеши, изцяло, наиълно, много
    a BAG of bones много слаб човек, кожа и кости
    2. книжна кесия
    3. ловджийска чанта, лов, убит дивеч
    4. pl подочни торбички
    5. пренебр. жена
    old BAG sl. презр. дърта брантия
    6. зоол. торбичка
    7. кесия/торба с пари
    рl богатство, изобилие
    8. разг. панталони, гащи
    9. поща
    diplomatic BAG дипломатическа поща
    late BAG късна поща
    BAG of wind самохвалко
    BAGs! BAGs I! уч. sl. мое e! не пипай! пу, за мен! to give someone the BAG избягвам от някого
    something is in the BAG разг. опечена работа, в кърпа вързано
    to be left holding/to hold the BAG ам. стоварват ми неприятна задача
    there are BAGs (of) има много/изобилие (от) /колкото щеш
    the whole BAG of tricks разг. всички средства, всякакви хитрини, всичко нужно
    II. 1. пъхам в торба/чанта/чувал, вземам нещо чуждо, задигам
    who has BAG ged my matches? кой ми e свил кибрита
    2. разг. запазвам правото си на
    3. слагам в торбата убит дивеч
    4. издувам се/вися като чувал
    5. мор. отклонявам се от курса си
    * * *
    {bag} n 1. торба, чанта, чантичка, кесия; чувал; bag and baggage с (2) v 1. пъхам в торба/чанта/чувал; вземам нещо чуждо, задигам
    * * *
    чувал; чанта; торба; виме; кесия;
    * * *
    1. a bag of bones много слаб човек, кожа и кости 2. bag and baggage с целия си багаж, с всичките си партакеши, изцяло, наиълно, много 3. bag of wind самохвалко 4. bags! bags i! уч. sl. мое e! не пипай! пу, за мен! to give someone the bag избягвам от някого 5. diplomatic bag дипломатическа поща 6. i. торба, чанта, чантичка, кесия, чувал 7. ii. пъхам в торба/чанта/чувал, вземам нещо чуждо, задигам 8. late bag късна поща 9. old bag sl. презр. дърта брантия 10. pl богатство, изобилие 11. pl подочни торбички 12. something is in the bag разг. опечена работа, в кърпа вързано 13. the whole bag of tricks разг. всички средства, всякакви хитрини, всичко нужно 14. there are bags (of) има много/изобилие (от) /колкото щеш 15. to be left holding/to hold the bag ам. стоварват ми неприятна задача 16. who has bag ged my matches? кой ми e свил кибрита 17. зоол. торбичка 18. издувам се/вися като чувал 19. кесия/торба с пари 20. книжна кесия 21. ловджийска чанта, лов, убит дивеч 22. мор. отклонявам се от курса си 23. поща 24. пренебр. жена 25. разг. запазвам правото си на 26. разг. панталони, гащи 27. слагам в торбата убит дивеч
    * * *
    bag[bæg] I. n 1. торба, торбичка, чанта; чувал; \bag and baggage с целия си багаж, с всичките си пъртушини; напълно, изцяло, много; to throw ( turn) s.o. out \bag and baggage изгонвам (изпъждам) някого окончателно; to pack o.'s \bags обирам си крушите, събирам си такъмите; to march out ( with) \bag and baggage извършвам успешно отстъпление, откопчвам се; a lucky \bag торба с изненади; a \bag of bones торба кокали, кожа и кости; a \bag of fruit австр. sl костюм; Gladstone (\bag) куфарче; 2. книжна кесия (и paper-\bag); 3. ловджийска чанта; лов (убит, хванат дивеч); 4. pl подочни торбички; 5. виме; 6. зоол. торбичка; 7. кесия, торба с пари, портфейл; pl богатство; 8. дипломатическа поща; an old \bag стара кошница (обидно за жена); \bag of wind, wind \bag бърборко, празнодумец, дърдорко, нар. фарфара; самохвалко, хвалипръцко; a mixed \bag сбор (съвкупност) от нееднородни предмети; сбирщина; to bear the \bag господар съм на положението, владея положението; to blow o.'s \bags австр. разг. хваля се, фукам се; to put on the feed-bag ам. sl ям лакомо, лапам, плюскам, кльопам; to empty the \bag изприказвам (избъбрям) всичко; in the \bag опечена работа, в кърпа вързано; not my \bag не е по моята част, не ме вълнува; to get ( have, tie) a \bag on ам. sl пиянствам, напивам се, натрясквам се; to leave s.o. holding the \bag оставям някого да поеме цялата отговорност (да опере пешкира); in the bottom of the \bag последна надежда; to put s.th. out of the \bag намирам неочакван изход от положението, измислям нещо; to let the cat out of the \bag изплювам камъчето; there are \bags (of) има много (колкото щеш); the whole \bag of tricks всичките хитрини, средства; всичко; II. v 1. пъхвам в торба (торбичка, чанта, чувал); 2. успявам да осигуря, резервирам, запазвам, заемам, уреждам, вземам; to \bag a ticket for a performance осигурявам, сдобивам се с билети за представление; 3. убивам, удрям (дивеч); 4. издувам се, надувам се, подувам се; вися като чувал; 5. мор. отклонявам се от курса си.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > bag

  • 16 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) držati
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) držati
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) (za)držati
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) zdržati
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) zadržati
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) držati, vsebovati
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) biti
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) držati se
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) imeti
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) verjeti, imeti (koga za kaj)
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) veljati
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) držati za
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) braniti
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) zadržati nasprotnika
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) pritegniti (pozornost)
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) proslavljati
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) imeti
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) obdržati se
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) počakati pri telefonu
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) držati
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) obdržati
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) prinesti
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) prijem
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) vpliv
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) prijem
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) podkrovje
    * * *
    I [hóuld]
    nautical podpalubje, ladijsko skladišče; aeronautics prostor za prtljago v letalu
    II [hóuld]
    prijem, opora; moč, vpliv (on, over, of); American ustavitev, zadrževanje; archaic utrdba
    to catch ( —ali get, lay, seize, take) hold of s.th. — prijeti kaj, dobiti
    to get hold of s.o. — ujeti koga, zalotiti koga
    to get hold of o.s. — dobiti se v oblast, obvladati se
    to get a hold on s.o.dobiti koga v oblast
    to have a (firm) hold on s.o.imeti koga v oblasti
    to keep hold of — čvrsto držati, ne izpustiti iz rok
    to miss one's hold — zgrešiti, napak prijeti
    American to put a hold on s.th. — zaustaviti kaj, zadržati kaj
    III [hóuld]
    transitive verb
    držati, obdržati, zadržati; omejiti, zadrževati, ovirati, krotiti; zdržati; sport zadržati nasprotnika; zavezati koga za kaj (to); imeti (npr. sestanek); imeti, posedovati (zemljo, pravice, delnice, službo); imeti koga za kaj (npr. za poštenjaka); proslavljati (praznik); obdržati (smer); prenašati (alkohol); military & figuratively odbraniti, obdržati (položaj); juridically odločiti, odrediti; pritegniti (pozornost); American zadostovati (hrana); American rezervirati, imeti rezervacijo (v hotelu); American prijeti, obdržati v zaporu;
    intransitive verb
    držati se, zadržati se, vztrajati (by, to pri, na čem); veljati, obveljati; obstati, prenehati; dogajati se, biti
    hold! — počakaj, ustavi se!
    to hold the bag — ostati na cedilu, imeti vso odgovornost
    to hold a brief for — odobravati, strinjati se
    to hold in check — imeti koga v šahu, krotiti
    to hold dear — ceniti, čislati, ljubiti
    to hold fast — čvrsto držati, ne izpustiti
    to hold good — veljati, obveljati, izkazati se
    to hold one's ground ( —ali one's own) — vztrajati, ne popustiti, biti kos
    to hold s.o. (s.th.) in the hollow of one's handimeti koga (kaj) v pesti
    hold hard! — počakaj!, stoj!
    hold everything!takoj prenehaj!
    to hold at nought — omalovaževati, ne ceniti
    to hold s.o. to his promise ( —ali word)držati koga za besedo
    to hold one's peace ( —ali tongue) — molčati, držati jezik za zobmi
    to hold a stock — imeti zalogo, imeti na zalogi
    to hold true — veljati, biti res
    to hold water — prenesti natančen pregled, veljati; biti vodotesen
    there is no holding him — ne da se ga zadržati, nezadržen je
    neither to hold nor to bind — ki se ga ne da obvladati, neukročen

    English-Slovenian dictionary > hold

  • 17 hold

    1. I
    1) this горе (the twine, the tape, the string, the bootlace, etc.) will hold эта веревка и т. д. не порвется /выдержит/; the nail still holds гвоздь еще не выпал /держится/
    2) if rain (snow, frost, etc.) holds если будет продолжаться /без конца будет идти/ дождь и т. д.; if this weather holds если эта /такая/ погода удержится /будет стоять/; if your luck holds если счастье тебе не изменит; can the good weather hold? продержится ли хорошая погода?; the provisions will hold запасов пищи хватит; the comparison holds это сравнение вполне уместно
    3) to eat as much as one can hold наесться досыта /до отвала/
    2. II
    1) hold some time this principle (my promise, our bargain, this law, etc.) still holds этот принцип и т. д. [все] еще остается /продолжает оставаться/ в силе; his objection still holds он еще не снимает своего возражения; the good weather is still holding все еще стоит хорошая погода
    2) hold in some manner hold firm /fast, tight/ твердо /стойко/ держаться, оставаться твердым /стойким/; hold firm [until you hear from me] держись стойко [, пока я тебе не напишу]; our friendship will hold fast наша дружба будет прочной
    3. III
    1) hold smth., smb. hold a spoon (a knife, a candle, a cap, a baby, a cat, etc.) держать ложку и т. д.; hold smb.'s hand держать / взять/ кого-л. за руку; they were holding hands они держались за руки; hold the line! не кладите / не вешайте/ трубку! (при разговоре по телефону)
    2) hold smth., smb. hold a fort (a defile, a fortress, a position, a trench, etc.) удерживать /защищать/ крепость и т. д., it takes a number of men to hold him одному его не удержать; there is no holding that fellow с этим парнем никак не сладишь, удержу нет на этого парня; hold trains задерживать поезда; he could hardly hold the horses он едва удерживал /сдерживал/ лошадей; the farmers are holding the wheat фермеры придерживают свою пшеницу; hold a note тянуть [одну] ноту; hold one's breath задерживать /затаить/ дыхание; hold one's nose зажимать нос; hold smb.'s attention (one's audience, the pupils' attention, etc.) овладевать чьим-л. вниманием и т. д., удерживать чье-л. внимание и т. д.; constant change of scene held our attention непрерывная смена пейзажа не давала ослабнуть нашему вниманию
    3) hold smth. hold land (a large estate, a large property, etc.) владеть землей и т. д.; hold an office (an appointment, a position, etc.) занимать пост и т. д.; hold a professorship быть профессором, иметь профессорское звание; занимать должность профессора; hold a chair заведовать кафедрой; hold a rank иметь чин; hold a medal иметь медаль; hold first (second, etc.) place иметь /занять/ первое и т. д. место.
    4) hold smth., smb. hold a certain amount of liquid (5 gallons, all her clothes, a certain number of people, five persons, etc.) вмещать определенное количество жидкости и т. д.; this bucket will hold ten litres of water это ведро на 10 литров воды; this trunk holds all my things в этот сундук влезут /можно положить/ все мои вещи; the box held his securities в этой шкатулке лежали /были/ принадлежащие ему ценные бумаги; the new hall will hold three hundred spectators в новом зале сможет разместиться триста зрителей, новый зал рассчитан на триста зрителей; how many of us will your car hold? сколько человек сядет /влезет/ в твою машину?; each of these forms is to hold two pupils за каждой такой партой будут сидеть два ученика; sea water holds many salts in solution в морской воде содержится много солей; Westminster Abbey holds the bones of England's great men в Вестминстерском аббатстве покоятся останки великих людей Англии; the evening held a lot of surprises вечер был полон неожиданностей
    5) hold smth. hold a meeting (a demonstration, a debate, an election, a consultation, an examination, an investigation, talks, etc.) проводить /устраивать, организовывать/ собрание и т. д.; they decided to hold an exhibition они решили устроить выставку
    6) hold smth. hold a view (an opinion) придерживаться взгляда (мнения); I hold a different view я придерживаюсь другой точки зрения, я думаю иначе; hold a course придерживаться определенного курса
    4. IV
    1) hold smth., smb. in some manner hold smth., smb. tightly) (fast, firmly, straight, carelessly, etc.) держать что-л., кого-л. крепко и т. д.
    2) hold smb. , smth. in some manner hold smb., smth. in respect (in high esteem, in awe, in low regard, in contempt, etc.) относиться к кому-л., чему-л. с уважением и т. д.; hold smb. at one's mercy держать кого-л. в своей власти id hold smb. to ridicule выставлять кого-л. на посмешище
    3) hold smth. at some time I can't hold all these details at once я не могу (удержать в голове сразу все эти подробности
    5. V
    1) hold smb. smb. hold smb. prisoner держать кого-л. в плену /в качестве пленного/; hold smb. hostages держать кого-л. в качестве заложников
    2) hold it smth. I hold it my duty [to tell you... (to inform you...)] я считаю своей обязанностью /своим долгом/ [рассказать вам... (сообщить вам)...]
    6. VI
    1) hold smth. in some state hold a door (a window, a window vent, etc.) open (half open, shut, etc.) держать дверь и т. д. открытой и т. д.
    2) hold smb. in some state hold an audience (the spectators, the listeners, the whole house, etc.) spellbounc заставить аудиторию и т. д. слушать или смотреть, затаив дыхание; his lovely music held us spellbound его прекрасная музыка очаровала нас; hold smb. captive держать кого-л. в плену
    3) hold smth., smb. in some state hold smth. true (good, sacred, cheap, etc.) считать что-л. верным /справедливым/ и т. д.; I hold the very idea absurd я считаю абсурдной саму эту мысль; hold smb. responsible возлагать на кого-л. ответственность; we shall hold you responsible for the work вы будете отвечать за эту работу
    7. VII
    hold smb., smth. to possess some quality hold smb. to be wrong (to be right, to be clever, to be beautiful, etc.) считать кого-л. неправым и т. д., hold smth. to be impossible (to be inadmissible, to be illogical, etc.) считать что-л. невозможным и т. д.; hold smb. to be smth. hold smb. to be a fool (to be a clever man, to be a good husband, etc.) считать, что кто-л. дурак и т. д.
    8. XI.
    be held for some time we were held till the evening нас задержали до вечера; be held at some place my money is held at the bank a) мой деньги находятся в банке; б) банк наложил арест на мои деньги; be held smb. I was held prisoner я находился в плену /в заточении/
    be held at some time the meeting (the debate, the conference, the funeral service, etc.) will be held on Monday (at 3 o'clock, etc.) собрание и т. д. состоится в понедельник и т. д.; when will the election be held? когда состоятся /будут проходить/ выборы?; be held in (at, etc.) smth. the meeting was held in (at) a very big hall собрание проходило в очень большем зале
    be held by smth. the button is held by a thread пуговица держалась на одной нитке; her scarf was held in place by a brooch ее шарфик был заколот брошкой
    it is held that... it is universally held by the writers that... у писателей общепризнанным считается, что...; be held to be in some state you will be held responsible вы за это ответите /будете нести ответственность/; he was held guilty (not guilty) он был признан виновным (невиновным)
    9. XV
    hold to possess some quality hold good /true, valid/ оставаться в силе; my promise (the order, the treaty, our bet, etc.) holds good мое обещание и т. д. остается в силе; the same criticism holds good with the second chapter такое же критическое замечание справедливо и в отношении второй главы
    10. XVI
    1) hold through smth. the supplies will hold through the winter (through the next three months, etc.) запасов хватит на всю зиму и т. д.
    2) hold to smth. hold to a chair (to a rail, to a bedstead, etc.) держаться за стул и т. д.
    3) hold against smb., smth. hold against an enemy (against an army, against troops, etc.) удерживать свои позиции против [нашествия] врага и т. д., hold against an attack [успешно] отбивать атаку
    4) hold to /by/ smth., smb. hold to a view (to /by/ an opinion, by one's principles, to /by a decision, to a rule, etc.) держаться /придерживаться/ взгляда /точки зрения/ и т. д., he held firm /fast/ to his resolve (to his beliefs, etc.) он твердо держался своего решения и т. д.; hold to a promise сдержать обещание; you should hold to the terms вы должны соблюдать условия [договора]; hold to one's friends (to one's party, to one's choice, etc.) быть /оставаться/ верным своим друзьям и т. д.; hold for (in) smth. this rule (the principle, the theory, the hypothesis, etc.) holds for all cases это правило подходит ко всем случаям; this holds in every case это верно для всех случаев /во всех случаях/ || who knows what the future /tomorrow/ holds for us? кто знает, что нам готовит будущее?; hold at some level the market holds at 20 roubles на рынке удерживается цена в двадцать рублей
    11. XVIII
    1) hold oneself she doesn't know how to hold herself она не знает, как держаться /как ей себя вести/; hold oneself in some manner hold oneself well (badly) хорошо (плохо) держаться; hold oneself in some position hold oneself straight (upright, etc.) держаться прямо и т. д.; hold yourself still for a few minutes while I make a sketch of you постойте или посидите спокойно несколько минут, пока я не сделаю [с вас] набросок; hold oneself like smb., smth. hold oneself like a queen (like a doll, etc.) держаться /вести себя/, как королева и т. д.
    2) hold oneself in some state hold oneself aloof (separate) держаться в стороне (отдельно от других); hold oneself ready /in readiness/ быть готовым; he held himself ready to start at a moment's notice он был готов отправиться по первому требованию
    3) hold oneself in some state hold oneself responsible считать себя ответственным; I do not hold myself responsible for what happened я не считаю себя ответственным за то, что произошло
    12. XXI1
    1) hold smb., smth. by smth. hold the child by the hand (a bull by the horn, the basket by the handle, the box by the rope, etc.) держать ребенка за руку и т. д., hold smth., smb. in (over, in front of, etc.) smth. hold the bag in one's hand (both hands over one's head, the creature before one's face, etc.) держать сумку в руке и т. д.; hold a cigarette (a pipe, a cigar. a cigarette-holder, etc.) between the teeth (between one's lips, in one's mouth, etc.) держать сигарету и т. д. в зубах и т. д.; hold smb. in one's arms обнимать кого-л., держать кого-л. в своих объятиях; he held his head in his hands он обхватил / сжал/ голову руками
    2) hold smth. against smb., smth. hold the fort against the enemy (the city against an army, the position against a detachment of parachute troops, etc.) защищать /оборонять/ крепость от неприятеля и т. д.; hold one's position against all competitors не сдавать своих позиций соперникам; hold one's own with smb. in beauty she held her own with all her rivals в красоте она не уступала ни одной из своих соперниц; hold smth. for smth. hold smb.'s baggage for non-payment of rent не отдавать кому-л. вещи до внесения квартирной платы; he held the audience for two hours он завладел вниманием слушателей на два часа; he held the floor for an hour он держал речь целый час; he holds the record for high jump он держит рекорд по прыжкам в высоту; hold smth. for smb. hold a room for me (seats for our guests, a book for first year students, etc.) оставьте /забронируйте, зарезервируйте/ комнату для меня и т. д., hold stocks for a rise попридержать акции до /, ожидая/ их повышения
    3) hold smb. for smth. hold smb. for theft арестовать кого-л. за воровство; держать кого-л. в тюрьме за воровство; hold smb. for ransom держать кого-л., пока за него не будет внесен выкуп; hold smb. on a charge of smth. hold smb. on a charge of theft (of murder, etc.) задержать кого-л. по обвинению в воровстве и т. д.; hold smb. in smth. hold smb. in prison (in custody) держать кого-л. в тюрьме (под стражей); hold smb. till smth. they will hold him till we pay (till he recants, till tomorrow, etc.) они не выпустят его [до тех пор], пока мы не заплатим и т. д.; hold smb. for some time a fever held him for a week лихорадка /высокая температура/ не отпускала его целую неделю, неделю он провалялся с лихорадкой /с температурой/; hold smb. in smth. hold smb. in suspense (in fear, etc.) держать кого-л. в напряженном ожидании и т. д., hold smb. in check сдерживать кого-л.
    4) hold smth. among smth. hold the first position among other similar institutions (among other boarding-houses, among many hotels, etc.) занимать ведущее положение среди других подобных учреждений и т.д., hold smth. at some time hold two offices at the same time занимать две должности одновременно
    5) hold smth. for smb. life holds a lot of surprises for us all жизнь полна неожиданностей для всех; who knows what the future holds for us? кто знает, что нас ждет в будущем /что нам сулит будущее/?; hold smth. in smth. I can't hold all these figures (these facts, so many names, etc.) in my head я не могу держать все эти цифры и т. д. в голове
    6) hold smb. to smth. hold smb. to a promise (to an agreement, to terms, etc.) требовать от кого-л. выполнения своего обещания и т. д., we shall hold you to your word мы будем добиваться, чтобы вы сдержали свое слово
    7) hold smth. with smb. hold a conversation (a parley, a talk, etc.) with smb. вести /проводить, поддерживать/ разговор /беседу/ и т. д с кем-л.; hold smth. for smb. hold a reception (a ball, a performance, a concert, etc.) for the guests устроить прием и т. д. в честь гостей
    13. XXII
    hold oneself (smb.) from doing smth. hold oneself from asking (from laughing, etc.) удержаться от того, чтобы спросить и т. д.
    14. XXIV1
    hold smb. as smb. hold smb. as hostage (as a criminal, as a spy, etc.) задерживать /держать (под стражей, в заточении и т. п.)/ кого-л. в качестве /как/ заложника и т. д.
    15. XXV
    hold that... hold that his plan is impracticable (that all his statements are very doubtful, etc.) полагать /считать, думать/, что его план неосуществим и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > hold

  • 18 ♦ hold

    ♦ hold (1) /həʊld/
    n. [cu]
    1 presa: to keep hold of st., mantenere la presa su qc.; to catch hold of st., afferrare (o prendere) qc.; to relax one's hold, allentare la presa; (fig.) to relinquish one's hold on st., rinunciare a qc.
    2 stretta: That man has got a strong hold, quell'uomo ha una stretta (di mano) potente
    3 appiglio; punto d'appoggio; sostegno
    4 (fig.) presa (fig.); controllo; influenza; ascendente; autorità: Oliver Cromwell had a great hold over his followers, Oliver Cromwell aveva un grande ascendente sui suoi seguaci; to keep a hold of st., mantenere il controllo di qc.
    5 (fig.) contatto: to lose one's hold on reality, perdere il contatto con la realtà
    6 (fig.) possesso; padronanza; conoscenza
    7 carcere; prigione; guardina
    8 contenitore; vano; scomparto: luggage hold, vano dei bagagli; bagagliaio
    9 rifugio; ricovero; tana
    10 (mus.) corona
    12 ( lotta, judo) presa; immobilizzazione
    14 ( calcio, ecc.) presa ( del pallone)
    to get hold of st., afferrare qc.; procurarsi qc.: I must get hold of some more books on this subject, devo procurarmi degli altri libri su questo argomento □ to get hold of sb., (riuscire a) trovare q.; mettersi in contatto con q. □ (fig.) to have a hold over sb., tenere in pugno q.; avere i mezzi per tenere q. sotto controllo □ to lay hold of st., afferrare (o prendere) qc. to lose hold of st., lasciarsi sfuggire (di mano) qc.: The climber lost hold of the rope and fell, al rocciatore sfuggì di mano la corda e precipitò □ on hold, in lista d'attesa; (telef.) in attesa: to be on hold, essere in attesa (di parlare); to put a project on hold for a year, rinviare un progetto di un anno; to put sb. on hold, far restare in linea q. ( al telefono); DIALOGO → - Changing a hotel booking- I'll put you on hold while I check, la faccio attendere in linea mentre controllo □ (fig.) to take hold, fare presa; affermarsi; avere effetto; attecchire □ to take hold of, afferrare (o prendere) qc.; impossessarsi di qc. No holds barred, ( lotta) tutte le prese sono ammesse; (fig.) tutto è lecito; non vale nessuna regola.
    hold (2) /həʊld/
    (naut., aeron.) stiva
    ● (naut.) hold beam, baglio di stiva □ (aeron.) cargo hold, bagagliaio.
    ♦ (to) hold /həʊld/
    (pass. e p. p. held)
    A v. t.
    1 tenere; tenere fermo; trattenere; avere; detenere; possedere: to hold a baby in one's arms, tenere in braccio un bambino; They held the shoplifter until the police came, trattennero il taccheggiatore fino all'arrivo della polizia; to hold shares in a business, avere (o detenere, possedere) azioni d'una società commerciale; to hold a degree in economics, avere una laurea in economia; ( sport) to hold a record, detenere un primato; to hold land, possedere terreni; to hold extreme views, avere opinioni estremistiche
    2 ritenere; considerare; reputare: to hold sb. responsible for st., ritenere q. responsabile di qc.; attribuire a q. la responsabilità di qc.; He's held to be an honest man, è considerato (o reputato) un uomo onesto; He holds himself responsible for the misunderstanding, si ritiene responsabile del malinteso
    3 tenere; mantenere; conservare; non dare: A salad, please, but hold the dressing, un'insalata, prego, ma non mi dia la salsa; to hold a fort against the enemy, tenere (o mantenere) un forte contro il nemico; (polit.) to hold one's seat, mantenere il seggio
    4 contenere: This flat cannot hold all my furniture, questo appartamento non può contenere tutti i miei mobili
    5 tenere; fare; svolgere: to hold a meeting, fare (o tenere) una riunione; to hold a conversation [a discussion], fare una conversazione [un dibattito]; to hold a general election, tenere le elezioni (politiche); to hold classes, tenere (o fare) lezione; svolgere un corso
    6 ( anche to hold up) tenere su; sostenere: This pillar holds the platform, questo pilastro sostiene la piattaforma; to hold st. aloft, tenere alto (o sollevato) qc.
    7 tenere desto; tenere vivo ( l'interesse, l'attenzione, ecc.): He hasn't learnt yet how to hold his pupils' interest, non ha ancora imparato a tenere desto l'interesse degli allievi
    8 tenere avvinto; tenere desta l'attenzione di: The speaker held the audience, l'oratore teneva avvinto l'uditorio
    9 ( della polizia) fermare; trattenere; tenere in carcere: They held them for three days, li tennero in carcere tre giorni
    10 tenere (o avere) in serbo; riservare: Life holds many surprises, la vita riserva molte sorprese
    11 obbligare; vincolare: to hold sb. to his word, obbligare q. a mantenere la parola
    12 occupare, ricoprire ( una carica, ecc.)
    13 (spec. leg.) giudicare: He was held guilty, è stato giudicato colpevole
    14 (trasp.) tenere fermo, far aspettare ( un treno, un aereo, ecc. in partenza)
    15 (mus.) prolungare, filare, sostenere ( una nota)
    18 ( calcio, ecc.) parare
    B v. i.
    1 tenere; reggere; resistere: I don't think this rope will hold, non credo che questa corda tenga
    2 tenere; reggere; resistere nel tempo; durare: The favourable wind held for two days, il vento favorevole è durato due giorni; How long will oil prices hold?, quanto tempo reggeranno i prezzi del petrolio?
    3 mantenere la presa; stare (o restare) attaccato; fare presa; tenere: This glue won't hold, questa colla non tiene; Hold tight!, tienti stretto!
    4 (tel.) attendere in linea: DIALOGO → - Booking a room by phone- Could you hold please while I check?, le dispiace attendere in linea mentre controllo?
    5 (= to hold good) restare valido; rimanere: Their offer will hold until tomorrow, la loro offerta è valida fino a domani
    6 tenersi; comportarsi: to hold ( oneself) aloof, tenersi a distanza; comportarsi in modo distaccato; (fig.) essere altezzoso
    7 (naut.: dell'ancora, ecc.) fare presa; agguantare
    to hold sb. [st.] at bay, tenere a bada q. [qc.] □ to hold one's breath, tenere il fiato; trattenere il respiro; stare col fiato sospeso □ not to hold a candle to, non reggere il confronto con: Their products cannot hold a candle to ours, i loro prodotti non reggono il confronto con i nostri; fra i loro prodotti e i nostri non c'è paragone □ to hold a course, ( all'università, ecc.) tenere un corso; (naut., aeron.) tenere una rotta □ to hold court, tener corte; (fig.) tener banco □ to hold sb. [st.] dear, tenere (o avere) caro q. [qc.] □ (fam.) Hold everything!, fermi tutti!; un momento! □ to hold fast, bloccare; tenere fermo □ to hold fast to, tenersi stretto a, aggrapparsi a; (fig.) mantenersi fedele a; non rinnegare: The candidate urged the party to hold fast to its traditions, il candidato ha esortato il partito a non rinnegare le proprie tradizioni □ (mil.) to hold fire, smettere di sparare; cessare il fuoco □ to hold firm, tener duro; resistere □ (fig.) to hold the fort, avere temporaneamente il comando; mandare avanti la baracca ( subentrando temporaneamente ad altri) □ ( nelle corse) to hold the gap, mantenere il distacco □ ( anche leg.) to hold good, essere valido □ to hold one's ground, tenere il campo, difendersi bene; tener duro, resistere; non cedere; restare della propria opinione □ to hold one's hand, indugiare; trattenersi (dal punire q., ecc.) □ ( anche fig.) to hold sb. 's hand, tenere q. per mano □ to hold hands with sb., tenersi per mano: The two little girls were holding hands, le due bambine si tenevano per mano □ (fam.) Hold hard!, fermati!; aspetta! ( anche fig.) □ to hold one's head high, andare a testa alta; tenere alta la testa □ to hold sb. in suspense, tenere q. in ansia, sulla corda (fig.), sulle spine (fig.) □ Hold it!, ferma!; fermi!; un momento! □ to hold the line, tener duro, resistere, non cedere terreno (fig.); (telef.) restare in linea: DIALOGO → - On the phone- Can you hold the line please?, può rimanere in linea per favore? □ ( sport) to hold a match, disputare un incontro (o una partita) □ ( anche fig.) to hold one's nose, tapparsi (o turarsi) il naso □ to hold the office of chairman, ricoprire la carica di presidente □ (polit.) to hold office, essere in carica; restare al potere: The conservatives held office for six years, i conservatori sono rimasti al potere per sei anni □ to hold oneself, tenersi: They held themselves in readiness for the fight, si tenevano pronti al combattimento □ to hold one's own ( against), tener duro (nei confronti di); resistere, non cedere (a) □ (polit.) to hold a Parliament, convocare il parlamento □ to hold one's peace = to hold one's peace ► peace □ ( tennis) to hold ( one's) serve (o service), tenere il servizio □ to hold one's tongue = to hold one's tongue ► tongue □ to hold one's sides with laughter, tenersi la pancia dalle risa □ to hold still, stare fermo (o quieto): Hold still while I comb your hair, sta' fermo mentre ti pettino! □ to hold sb. still, tener fermo, trattenere q. □ (leg.) to hold sb. to bail, vincolare q. con il versamento d'una cauzione □ to hold sb. to his promise, far mantenere la promessa (o la parola) a q. to hold true, essere valido; valere; essere corretto: This principle holds true for ( o of) any scientific investigation, questo principio vale per ogni indagine scientifica □ to hold the view ( that), essere del parere (o d'avviso) (che) □ (fig. fam.) to be left holding the baby ( USA: the bag), restare col cerino acceso in mano; prendersi la patata bollente □ (fig.) not to hold water, ( di una scusa, un ragionamento, ecc.) non stare in piedi; fare acqua da tutte le parti □ (fig., fam.) Hold your horses!, adagio!; piano!; pianino!

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ hold

  • 19 bag

    bag [bæg]
    1. n
    1) мешо́к; су́мка; чемода́н;

    to empty the bag опорожни́ть мешо́к, су́мку; перен. рассказа́ть, вы́ложить всё

    2) pl разг. мно́жество, у́йма
    3) pl разг. штаны́ (тж. pair of bags)
    4) ягдта́ш; добы́ча ( охотника)
    5) pl мешки́ (под глаза́ми)
    6) балло́н
    7) по́лость ( в горной породе), карма́н
    8) зоол. су́мка, мешо́к; по́лость
    9) вы́мя
    10) дипломати́ческая по́чта
    11) сл. ба́ба, де́вка

    in the bag де́ло в шля́пе; де́ло ве́рное


    to set one's bag (for) стара́ться захвати́ть, за́риться (на что-л.)

    а) со все́ми пожи́тками;
    б) соверше́нно;
    в) в о́бщем, в совоку́пности;

    bag of wind амер. разг. болту́н, пустозво́н, хвасту́н [ср. windbag]


    late bag почто́вый мешо́к для пи́сем, полу́ченных по́сле устано́вленного сро́ка приёма по́чты

    а) вся́ческие ухищре́ния;
    б) всё без оста́тка;

    in the bottom of the bag в ка́честве кра́йнего сре́дства


    to give smb. the bag to hold поки́нуть кого́-л. в беде́; улизну́ть от кого́-л.


    to put smb. in a bag взять верх над кем-л., одоле́ть кого́-л.

    а) распоряжа́ться деньга́ми;
    б) быть хозя́ином положе́ния;

    to make a (good) bag of smth. захвати́ть, уничто́жить что-л.

    2. v
    1) класть в мешо́к
    2) уби́ть ( столько-то дичи)
    3) сбить ( самолёт)
    4) собира́ть ( коллекцию и т.п.)
    5) оттопы́риваться; висе́ть мешко́м; надува́ться ( о парусах)
    6) разг., часто шутл. присва́ивать, брать без спро́са
    7) школ. жарг. заявля́ть права́, крича́ть «чур»;

    I bag!, bags I! чур я!

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > bag

  • 20 hold

    A n
    1 (grasp, grip) prise f ; to get hold of attraper [rope, handle] ; to keep (a) hold of ou on tenir [ball, rail, hand] ; ⇒ catch, grab, grasp, seize, take ;
    2 ( possession) to get hold of se procurer [book, ticket, document] ; [press] avoir vent de [story] ; découvrir [details, information] ;
    3 ( contact) to get hold of ( by phone) joindre [person] ; ( by other means) trouver [person] ;
    4 ( control) emprise f (on, over sur) ; to have a hold on ou over sb avoir de l'emprise sur qn ; to get a hold of oneself se reprendre ;
    5 (storage, area) Aviat soute f ; Naut cale f ;
    6 Sport ( in wrestling) prise f ; to have sb in a hold faire une prise à qn ;
    7 (of hairspray, gel) fixation f ; normal/extra hold fixation normale/extra-forte.
    B vtr ( prét, pp held)
    1 ( clasp) tenir [object, hand, person] (above, over au-dessus de ; against contre) ; to hold sth in one's hand tenir qch à la main [brush, pencil, stick] ; ( enclosed) tenir qch dans la main [button, coin, sweet] ; to hold sth/sb by tenir qch/qn par [handle, stem, sleeve, leg] ; to hold one's stomach/head (in pain) se tenir l'estomac/la tête (à cause de la douleur) ; to hold sb (in one's arms) serrer qn dans ses bras ; to hold each other se serrer l'un contre l'autre ; can you hold my bag for me? tu peux me tenir mon sac? ;
    2 ( maintain) to hold one's head upright/still tenir sa tête droite/immobile ; to hold one's hands apart/still tenir ses mains écartées/immobiles ; to hold a pose/smile garder une pose/un sourire ; to hold sth in place ou position maintenir qch en place ; to hold one's speed maintenir sa vitesse ;
    3 ( arrange) organiser, tenir [meeting, talks] ; organiser [competition, ballot, demonstration, course, election] ; organiser, donner [party, reception] ; organiser, monter [exhibition, show] ; avoir [conversation] ; célébrer [church service] ; mener [enquiry] ; faire passer [interview] ; to be held avoir lieu ;
    4 ( have capacity for) [box, case, tank] (pouvoir) contenir [objects, amount] ; [theatre, room] avoir une capacité de [350 people] ; the bus holds ten (people) le bus a dix places ; to (be able to) hold one's drink ou liquor tenir l'alcool ;
    5 ( contain) [drawer, cupboard, box, case] contenir [objects, possessions] ;
    6 ( support) [shelf, fridge, branch, roof] supporter [weight, load, crate] ; the branch won't hold you la branche ne supportera pas ton poids ;
    7 ( restrain) [dam, wall] retenir, contenir [water, flood waters] ; [person] tenir [dog] ; maîtriser [thief] ; there is/there'll be no holding him fig on ne peut/pourra plus l'arrêter ;
    8 ( keep against will) [police, kidnappers] détenir [person] ; to hold sb prisoner/hostage garder qn prisonnier/en otage ;
    9 ( possess) détenir, avoir [shares, power, record, playing card] ; être titulaire de [degree, sporting title, cup] ; occuper [job, position] ; avoir, être en possession de [ticket, passport, licence] ; porter [title] ; Jur, gen [bank, computer, police, solicitor] conserver [document, information, money] ; avoir [mortgage] ;
    10 ( keep back) garder [place, seat, ticket] ; faire attendre [train, flight] ; mettre [qch] en attente [letter, order] ; hold it ! minute ! ; hold everything! arrête tout! ; two burgers, but hold the mustard! deux hamburgers, sans moutarde ;
    11 ( believe) avoir [opinion, belief] ; to hold sb/sth to be tenir qn/qch pour, considérer qn/qch comme ; to hold that [person] soutenir que ; [law, theory] dire que ; to hold sb liable ou responsible tenir qn pour responsable ;
    12 ( defend successfully) Mil tenir [territory, city, bridge] ; Pol, Sport conserver [title, seat, lead, position] ; ( in tennis) to hold one's serve ou service gagner or remporter son service ; to hold one's own [person] se défendre tout seul (against contre) ; [army] tenir bon (against devant) ;
    13 ( captivate) captiver [person, audience, class] ; capter, retenir [attention, interest] ;
    14 Telecom to hold the line patienter, rester en ligne ; can you hold the line please ne quittez pas s'il vous plaît ;
    15 Mus tenir [note] (for pendant) ;
    16 Aut to hold the road tenir la route.
    C vi ( prét, pp held)
    1 ( remain intact) [rope, shelf, bridge, dam, glue] tenir ; fig ( also hold good) [theory, offer, objection, law] tenir ;
    2 ( continue) [weather] rester beau/belle, se maintenir ; [luck] continuer, durer ;
    3 Telecom patienter ;
    4 ( remain steady) hold still! tiens-toi tranquille!
    D v refl ( prét, pp held) to hold oneself upright/well se tenir droit/bien.
    1 Telecom en attente ; to put sb on hold Telecom faire patienter qn ; to put a call on hold Telecom mettre un appel en attente ;
    2 to put one's plan/a project on hold gen laisser ses projets/un projet en suspens.
    hold against: to hold sth against sb reprocher qch à qn ; to hold it against sb that en vouloir à qn parce que ; I don't hold it against him/them je ne lui/leur en veux pas ; your age could be held against you ton âge pourrait jouer en ta défaveur.
    hold back:
    hold back se retenir ; to hold back from doing se retenir de faire, préférer ne pas faire ;
    hold [sb/sth] back, hold back [sb/sth]
    1 ( restrain) contenir [water, tide, crowd, animals] ; retenir [hair, tears] ; retenir [person] ; refouler [feelings] ; contenir [anger] ; to hold back one's laughter se retenir or s'empêcher de rire ;
    2 ( prevent progress of) ( involuntarily) [person] retarder [person, group] ; ( deliberately) [person] retenir [person] ; [background, poor education] gêner [person] ; entraver [production, progress, development] ;
    3 ( withhold) [person, government, organization] cacher [information, result] ; ( to protect privacy) tenir [qch] secret, ne pas divulguer [name, information, identity] ; [person, company] différer [payment].
    hold down:
    hold [sb/sth] down, hold down [sb/sth]
    1 ( prevent from moving) maintenir [qch] en place [tent, carpet, piece of paper] ; tenir, maîtriser [person] ;
    2 ( press down) appuyer sur [pedal, key] ;
    3 ( keep at certain level) limiter [number, rate, expenditure, costs, inflation] ; limiter l'augmentation de [wages, taxes, prices] ;
    4 ( keep) ( not lose) garder [job] ; ( have) avoir [job].
    hold forth péj disserter, pérorer pej (about, on sur).
    hold in:
    hold [sth] in, hold in [sth]
    1 ( restrain) réprimer, contenir [feeling, anger, disappointment] ;
    2 ( pull in) rentrer [stomach, buttocks].
    hold off:
    hold off [enemy] accorder un répit ; [creditors] accorder un délai ; I hope the rain holds off j'espère qu'il ne pleuvra pas ; the rain held off until after the match il s'est mis à pleuvoir après le match ; to hold off buying/making a decision reporter l'achat/la décision à plus tard ; he held off leaving until the weekend il a reporté son départ au week-end ;
    hold [sb] off, hold off [sb] tenir [qn] à distance [enemy, creditor, journalists] ; faire patienter [client] ;
    hold [sth] off repousser [attack].
    hold on:
    hold on
    1 ( wait) gen attendre ; Telecom patienter ; ‘hold on, I'll just get him’ ( on telephone) ‘ne quittez pas, je vais le chercher’ ;
    2 ( grip) tenir (with de, avec) ; ‘hold on (tight)!’ ‘tiens-toi (bien)!’ ;
    3 ( endure) [person, company] tenir ;
    hold [sth] on [screw, glue] maintenir [qch] en place ; to be held on with sth [door, handle, wheel] être maintenu par qch.
    hold on to [sb/sth]
    1 ( grip) s'agripper à [branch, railing, rope] ; s'agripper à, se tenir à [person] ; ( to prevent from falling) agripper, retenir [person] ; serrer [object, purse] ; (bien) tenir [dog] ;
    2 ( retain) conserver [power, title, lead] ; garder [shares, car] ; to hold on to one's dreams fig s'accrocher à ses rêves ; to hold on to one's ou the belief that persister à croire que ;
    3 ( look after) garder [object] (for pour).
    hold out:
    1 ( endure) tenir le coup, tenir bon ; to hold out against tenir bon devant [enemy, changes, threat] ;
    2 ( remain available) [supplies, food, stocks] durer ;
    hold [sth] out, holdout [sth] tendre [glass, money, ticket] (to à) ; to hold out one's hand/leg tendre la main/la jambe ;
    hold out [sth] garder, conserver [hope] ; I don't hold out much hope je ne me fais guère d'illusions, je n'ai plus beaucoup d'espoir ; they don't hold out much hope of finding him ils ont perdu presque tout espoir de le retrouver ; to hold out for insister pour obtenir [pay rise, increase] ; to hold out on sb cacher des choses à qn ; they know something, but they're holding out on us ils sont au courant mais ils nous cachent quelque chose.
    hold over:
    hold [sth] over, hold over [sth]
    1 ( postpone) ajourner [question, programme] ;
    2 ( continue to show) maintenir [qch] à l'affiche [film] ; prolonger [show, exhibition].
    hold to:
    hold to [sth] s'en tenir à [belief, opinion, decision] ;
    hold sb to [sth] faire tenir [qch] à qn [promise] ; faire honorer [qch] à qn [contract, offer] ; I'll hold you to that! je note!, je m'en souviendrai!
    1 ( not break) [car, shoes, chair] tenir ;
    2 ( remain united) [family, party] rester uni ; [alliance] rester intact ;
    hold [sth] together
    1 ( keep intact) faire tenir [car, machine, chair] ; maintenir ensemble [papers, pieces] ; to be held together with sth tenir avec qch ;
    2 ( unite) assurer la cohésion de [company, party, government] ; my mother held the family together la famille est restée unie grâce à ma mère.
    hold up:
    hold up
    1 ( remain intact) tenir, résister ; to hold up well [currency] résister ;
    2 ( remain valid) [theory, argument] tenir ;
    hold [sb/sth] up, hold up [sb/sth]
    1 ( support) soutenir [shelf, picture] ; tenir [trousers, stockings] ; to be held up by ou with sth tenir avec qch ;
    2 ( raise) lever [object] ; to hold one's hand up lever la main ;
    3 ( display) to hold sb/sth up as an example ou model of présenter qn/ qch comme un exemple de ; to hold sb up to ridicule tourner qn en ridicule, ridiculiser qn ;
    4 ( delay) retarder [person, flight] ; ralentir [production, traffic] ; arrêter, interrompre [procession] ;
    5 ( rob) attaquer [train, bank, person].
    hold with: not to hold with ne pas être d'accord avec [idea, system] ; être contre [television, imitations etc] ; he doesn't hold with teaching children French il est contre le fait qu'on enseigne le français aux enfants.

    Big English-French dictionary > hold

См. также в других словарях:

  • hold the bag — (USA) If someone is responsible for something, they are holding the bag …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • hold the bag — phrasal also hold the sack 1. : to be or be left empty handed or with only the most undesirable items of a group of apportioned items 2. : to bear alone and in full a responsibility that should properly have been shared by others when the police… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hold the bag —    American    to accept the blame or the consequences    Rather like the game of pass the parcel, with the loser being the person holding it when the music stops:     She ll be left holding the bag for a long time. J get over it. (R. N.… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • hold the bag — {v. phr.} To be made liable for or victimized. * /We went out to dinner together but when it was time to pay I was left holding the bag./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • hold the bag — {v. phr.} To be made liable for or victimized. * /We went out to dinner together but when it was time to pay I was left holding the bag./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • hold\ the\ bag — v. phr. To be made liable for or victimized. We went out to dinner together but when it was time to pay I was left holding the bag …   Словарь американских идиом

  • hold the bag — (USA)    If someone is responsible for something, they are holding the bag.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Hold the bag —   (USA)   If someone is responsible for something, they are holding the bag …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • hold the sack — phrasal see hold the bag …   Useful english dictionary

  • hold the bag — phrasal 1. to be left empty handed 2. to bear alone a responsibility that should have been shared by others …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • be left holding the bag — I see hold II be left holding the bag (or baby) informal be left with an unwelcome responsibility, typically without warning …   Useful english dictionary

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